Okay Word staff geezers, here some stuff for y'all ....
· Like, where's the multi-tasking, man? Oh, if you don't want
the new users to know that its been coded in AMOS, then
change the LAMIGA+A to LAMIGA+M in the AMOS prefs thing.
· Eugh! What's happened to the colours?! Why are they soooooo
dark!? Go to the adult section in issue #15 and look at the
face. Looks weird, eh? Press F1 to go to white and the face
will look far better - and it looks EXACTLY like Gilly
Anderson! Phweeee! (as D!ck would say)
[I did that for a reason! Er.. I forget what it was.. It was GA but I
only wanted the eyes as the previous header was crap in my opinion. Why
not do some yourself matey, send them in and tell me the RGB value you
want me to show it in. Kei]
· Articles? They seemed to have dwindled down like mad. Or
are you saving some for the following issue(s) ?
[Nah just low on contribs although issue 15 had larger articles in as
the disks were pretty packed. We need more readers to contribute as
well as our regular contributors. Come on, you lot out there must have
something to say? Kei]
· Colour! Increase the main text display area to 16 colours
(or 8, as it looks like you're using Dual-Playfields). The
diskmag I'm currently coding looks brilliant with 16
colours (it also supports 256 colours) !
· Bug/Glitch. The tix aren't saved properly. When yer
load the mag again, only a few of the articles have the
tix next to them. Tut tut. Who needs a good slapping, eh?
[I noticed that if you do not exit properly it does not work. But like
the other technical questions you are asking here, I'll leave that to
Amida to answer once he gets settled into his new place. Kei]
· TWAT. Implement more features into it for gord's sake!
Dunno what really, ummm... `fink about it.
· Cheese. Where is the stuff ?
Look! See! Look at MY sexy colours above! THAT'S how you should be
doing it, like! Not that dead-dark damp stuff!
There. That's all I can think of at the minute, so get your nobs out
and start fondling away me disk-based friends!
*UPDATE* Use The Word Colour Inserter (TWCI) which I coded this
afternoon. It's pure, raw, hard sex in an executable!
[I like'd the dead dark damp stuff as you referred to it since I spent
time doing it last issue since only 2% of contributors bothered to put
colour codes in at all. It's a right pain in the butt doing it I can
tell ya. Kei]